
AcodeX - Terminal Emulator

[!Warning] This plugin requires the acodex-server NodeJS package to be installed and running on Termux.

AcodeX is a powerful and AI integrated terminal plugin with 80k++ downloads for Acode that enhances your coding productivity by adding in-app Termux terminal integration. With AcodeX, you can execute terminal commands directly from within the Acode app, eliminating the need to switch between apps for coding and terminal access.

[!NOTE] When starting a new terminal, be sure to adjust the terminal panel according to your screen. You can drag it to your desired position, and it will automatically adjust the columns and rows according to your screen size.

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Table of Contents

Update v3.1.8

- Fixed settings issue (First backup your settings before updating) - Added a new keybinds ctrl+a to select all - touch selection support - Gui viewer support - added local ai using ollama - more...

For previous change logs/updates, visit: Change Log

💥 Features


To use AcodeX, you need to have the Termux app installed on your Android device. However, you don’t need to switch between apps to use the terminal, as AcodeX offers a convenient way to access the terminal directly within the Acode app with the help of Termux.


  1. Install the Plugin in Acode
    Open the Acode App and navigate to:
    Acode > Settings > Plugins > AcodeX, then install the plugin.

  2. Install the Server in Termux
    To install everything required, including prompts for GUI-related tools like TigerVNC and Websockify (if needed), run the following command in Termux:

    curl -sL | bash

    Alternatively, you can manually install the required packages:

    pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
    pkg install python nodejs -y
    npm i -g acodex-server
    pkg install tigervnc -y
    curl -L | bash

    The key steps are:

    • Install python and nodejs.
    • Install the acodex-server package globally using npm.
    • If you plan to run GUI apps, also install tigervnc and websockify_rs.

[!IMPORTANT] After installing TigerVNC, make sure to set a password by running the vncserver command the first time.

  1. Termux Specific Step
    Before installing on Termux, run this command to bypass a Termux-specific issue:

    cd $HOME && mkdir -p .gyp && echo "{'variables': {'android_ndk_path': ''}}" > .gyp/include.gypi

[!TIP] After successfully installing acodex-server, you can uninstall Python if it’s no longer needed.

For Existing Users: Enabling GUI Features

If you’re an existing user and want to start using the new GUI features, follow these steps to install the required packages:

  1. Install TigerVNC and Websockify
    Run the following commands in Termux to install the necessary packages:

    pkg install tigervnc -y
    curl -L | bash
  2. Setup VNC Server
    After installation, run the vncserver command for the first time to set up a password:


    This will prompt you to create a password for your VNC server.

  3. Start Using GUI Features
    Once you’ve set up the VNC server, AcodeX will handle everything for you automatically, enabling the use of GUI apps seamlessly. but you will need to enable this feature from AcodeX settings.(after enabling you will get an image like icon on AcodeX header for viewing the gui)

How to Use

Tutorial link:

How to Run GUI Apps in AcodeX?

To run GUI apps within AcodeX, follow the steps below:

  1. Install the Required Packages
    Ensure that you have installed the necessary packages by following the instructions in the Installation or Existing Users Setup sections.

  2. Enable GUI Viewer Settings
    • Navigate to Acode > Settings > Plugins > AcodeX.
    • Tap the ⚙️ icon at the top-right corner of the AcodeX header to access the plugin settings.
    • Enable the GUI Viewer option from the settings.
  3. Open AcodeX Terminal
    • Open the AcodeX terminal using the Ctrl+K shortcut, or search for “Open Terminal” in the command palette.
  4. Launch the GUI Viewer
    • In the terminal header, you’ll see a small image-like icon.
    • Click the icon. The first time you do this, it will set up the necessary configurations and prompt you for the VNC password.
    • Enter your VNC password, which will be saved securely in the local storage for future sessions.
  5. Using the GUI Viewer
    After setup, the GUI Viewer page will open. On this page, you’ll find multiple interactive elements such as:

    • Display Variable Button:
      This button copies the DISPLAY environment variable needed for running GUI apps.

      Before launching a GUI app, always click the Display Button to set up the display environment in the terminal. If you skip this step, the GUI app will fail with a “No display variable” error.

    • Keyboard Icon:
      A keyboard icon is available to activate your mobile keyboard for typing within GUI applications.

  6. Run Your GUI App
    • In the AcodeX terminal, click the Display button, which will copy and execute the export DISPLAY command.
    • Start your GUI app in the terminal, and it will open in the integrated viewer.

[!TIP] Always verify that the export DISPLAY command was executed successfully before launching your GUI application.

[!NOTE] the display env variable command needs to run once in a terminal session

Why is there no selection context menu?

On small screens, the context menu can clutter the interface. Additionally, since the AcodeX panel is adjustable, the menu can behave unpredictably. We believe in prioritizing keyboard shortcuts over UI buttons for efficiency.

However, you can still perform all tasks using the following key shortcuts:

Additional Terminal Keybindings

AcodeX provides some additional Keybindings for easy usability of terminal features.

[!Note] These keybindings will only work if you will use these inside terminal only. except the * marked one

Following are the supported Keybindings :

How to Use AI

To leverage the power of artificial intelligence within AcodeX Terminal Plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain API Key: Before using the AI capabilities, you need to acquire an API key for the respective model you wish to utilize. Visit the website of your chosen model and obtain the API key. Once obtained, navigate to the AcodeX settings and input the API key. Additionally, you can select your preferred model from the list of currently supported models, which include:
  2. Accessing AI in the Terminal:
    • To access the AI functionality within the terminal, simply type #. This action will prompt a popup window to appear.
    • Within the popup window, you can input your prompt or query.
    • Upon entering your prompt, click the button provided to prompt the AI to generate a command based on your input.
    • The generated command will be written into the terminal. From there, you have the option to execute the command as is or modify it according to your requirements.

[!Warning] Avoid prompts that may lead the AI to provide descriptive or explanatory responses instead of actionable commands.

[!Note] Use AI wisely, as there may be token limits associated with your API key. Be mindful of your usage to avoid exceeding token limits and potential interruptions in service.

We value your feedback! Please provide any suggestions or feedback to help us improve the AI integration and suggest additional AI models for future enhancements.

Stay tuned for more AI integrations and improvements coming soon 😊!

API Docs

The acodex plugin provides a set of api to interact with the AcodeX terminal.

execute(cmd: string, withEnter?: boolean = true) => void

Executes a command in the AcodeX terminal.

isMinimized() => boolean

Returns a boolean indicating whether the AcodeX terminal is currently minimized or not.

isTerminalOpened() => boolean

Returns a boolean indicating whether the AcodeX terminal is currently opened or not.

maximiseTerminal() => void

Maximizes the AcodeX terminal if it is opened and minimized.

openTerminal(termContainerHeight: number = 270, port: number = this.settings.port) => Promise<SessionAPI>

Opens the AcodeX terminal.

createSession() => Promise<SessionAPI>

Creates a new terminal session.

changeSession(sessionName: string) => Promise<SessionAPI>

Changes the active terminal session.

closeTerminal() => void

Closes the AcodeX terminal if it is opened.

convertAcodeUriToTermReadable(path: string) => string

Converts an Acode URI to a format readable by the terminal.

addTheme(themeName: string, colorSchema: object) => void

Adds a new theme to the AcodeX terminal.

applyTheme(themeName: string) => void

Applies a theme to the AcodeX terminal.

SessionAPI Object

The SessionAPI object provides methods for interacting with the terminal session.

onmessage(callback: (data: string | Uint8Array) => void) => void

Registers a callback function to be called when a message is received form server.

write(cmd: string, withEnter: boolean = true) => void

Writes/Executes a command to the terminal.

Example Usage

const acodex = acode.require("acodex");

acodex.execute("ls"); // execute the ls command in terminal
const isMinimized = acodex.isMinimized();
const isOpened = acodex.isTerminalOpened();

const session = await acodex.openTerminal();
session.onmessage(data => console.log(data));

const sessionSocket = await acodex.createSession();
sessionSocket.onmessage(data => console.log(data));

const changeSessionSocket = await acodex.changeSession("AcodeX2");
changeSessionSocket.onmessage(data => console.log(data));

const termReadablePath = acodex.convertAcodeUriToTermReadable("file://storage/emulated/0/myTheme/acode/file/path");
acodex.addTheme("myTheme", { background: "#fff", text: "#000" }); // you can find more colors in themes.js

Custom Fonts

Custom fonts are provided to load any other external fonts

To load a custom font:

  1. Download the font files(Note: Download nerd font file in case if you are loading for termux theme).
  2. Create a css file anywhere in the internal storage.
  3. Write CSS code to load font files using relative URLs in the CSS, for example:
@font-face {
    font-family: "MesloLGS NF Regular";
    src: url("./MesloLGS NF Regular.ttf") format("truetype");
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
  1. Open AcodeX Settings page and find the option "Custom Font StyleSheet".
  2. Select your CSS file created in step 3.
  3. Enter the font name in the Font Family option.
  4. Restart the terminal.


AcodeX is made possible by the use of:


🚀 Feature Requests

We welcome your suggestions for enhancing AcodeX. If you have an idea for a new feature or improvement, please consider opening a feature request on our GitHub Issues page. Be sure to provide detailed information about the feature you’d like to see, along with any use cases or scenarios that could benefit from it.

🐞 Bug Reports

If you encounter any issues or unexpected behavior while using AcodeX, please help us by reporting the problem. To report a bug, visit our GitHub Issues page and create a new issue. Please include the following information in your bug report:

🚀 Contribute to AcodeX

Your contributions are highly appreciated and welcome! You can contribute to the AcodeX Plugin in various ways:

👨‍💻 Contribute Code

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the AcodeX Plugin repository

  2. Create an Issue: If you plan to add new features or fix a bug, it’s a good practice to create an issue first. Describe the problem or feature you want to work on. This allows for discussion and collaboration with the maintainers.

  3. Make Changes: After forking the repo, create a new branch, and start working on your changes.

  4. Open a Pull Request: Once your changes are ready, open a pull request (PR) on the original repository. Reference the issue you created if relevant.

  5. Code Review: Your PR will be reviewed by the maintainers, and feedback may be provided. Be prepared to make adjustments if needed.

  6. Merge: Once your PR is approved, it will be merged into the main branch. Congratulations, your contribution is now part of AcodeX Plugin!

Steps to setup AcodeX locally

  1. Fork it and Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. navigate to acodex directory and install the dependency
    pnpm install
  3. For building the plugin zip
    pnpm build

[!Warning] You will need acodex-server NodeJS package to be installed and running on Termux to test the plugin.

💰 Contribute Financially

You can also support the development of AcodeX Plugin by making a financial contribution. Donations help in maintenance and further development. Also you can mention your GitHub handle when making contribution

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If you find AcodeX Plugin useful, consider giving it a star on GitHub. It’s a simple way to show your appreciation and help others discover the project. and You can review AcodeX on

Your contributions, whether through code, financial support, or a simple star, make AcodeX Plugin better for the entire community. Thank you for your support!



❤️❤️ Thanks for using AcodeX ❤️❤️